This can be an unsettled time for those who are grieving and perhaps for everyone. The wind is blowing here. It’s March. The seasons are changing. The time is even changed in the United States. All of us have probably heard about the new strain of Coronavirus that is spreading around the world. Many related changes may happen for you and have already happened because of that situation.

Changes can make us fearful or uneasy. I understand. And I hope the simple concept of self-care will give you some steadiness over the next days and weeks, some peace. The future really is unknown. Many things are beyond our control. What we can do though is take care of ourselves and those we love the best we can. We can pray for each other. It helps.

As you prepare for the season ahead and whatever it brings, know you are not alone. Look over this list of ways to add self-care to  your day (along with the hand-washing and other tips on the news). Choose one or two things to try. See what a difference it makes.

Self-Care Suggestions