What we think about does happen. I firmly believe that. I’m sure you’ve heard or read the theory at some point. Recently ‘The Secret’ has become very well known. Many other authors and speakers have also been spreading the word all over the world.

The theory is pretty simple and straight-forward. What we think about, where we put our attention will come to be our reality. Most of us have heard one version or another of this theory for most of our lives. Think about it. ‘What comes around, goes around.’ ‘You will reap what you sow.’ ‘You get what you ask for.’ It all makes perfect sense to me.

One of my favorite people in the world was my Uncle Oren. He always thought of himself as a lucky man. And he was! When he and my aunt were in the process of adopting their son, he entered a contest for baby diapers. Uncle Oren won. Over the next 25 years or so he continued to win, again and again. He won a Suburban, a $5000. lottery, a John Deere tractor with Green Bay Packers painting and logo on it. He also won a hunting rifle and a Harley Davidson telephone. The list goes on and on. When my wonderful, optimistic Uncle Oren entered a contest he simply expected to win. He once told my Aunt Nancy as he was leaving for work that she should call him when the call came in to announce his winning. Guess what happened only a few hours later… of course they got that call, he had won. I loved that attitude about him, as did everyone who knew him.

I’ve been thinking lately that I wanted to replace my eyeglasses. They were six years old, the lenses were scratched and they were undoubtedly a bit out of style. Still, they were functional and I couldn’t really think of a good reason to simply go out and replace them. Or could I? I had been thinking a good bit about getting new glasses, even talked to a friend about it. Then I sort of forgot about the issue. I believe I had set the process in motion. I was driving the other day, my glasses were irritating me so I took them off and set them on my lap. Very uncharacteristic of me. Later I got out of the vehicle and completely forgot about the glasses. Only after I had driven away again did I remember what had most likely happened. Sure enough, upon returning I found that I had run over my glasses with my truck. Oops. Guess who now needed new glasses and really had no good way to avoid it. I believe that this happened because I expected to replace the glasses, so that’s just what the universe helped me to arrange.

The reason I share this is that as a life coach I would like all of us to realize that we are in control of our future. We have the ability to bring happiness or unhappiness into our lives. We can think about, expect and plan for prosperity and as long as we are focusing on actual prosperity, not lack, bills and the fact that it hasn’t happened yet, it will indeed come to exist in our lives.

Now, this may or may not happen overnight. We need to focus our attention on what we actually want, completely release what we do not want. In other words, expect only the positive. It takes practice but I know it’s something that we are all able to accomplish, a bit today, a bit more tomorrow.

There will undoubtedly be more that I share about this in the future, in fact, I expect that soon I’ll feel the need to hold a workshop on the subject. In the meantime, I encourage you to give it a try. Ask for the wonderful things that you would like to have in your life, expect them to happen and then imagine them happening to you right now. I’d like to hear how it works out for you.

Wishing you a day filled with positive, fabulous thoughts.
