This post begins the third series in Way for Hope’s collection (see the first two on our series page).

I can’t think of a better time to look for peaceful moments than right now. The world around us is changing due to the new strain of Coronavirus that is spreading, and fears, anger, or numbness are normal reactions. It it is helpful to find something to counter the additional stress brought into our homes by news stories, isolation, and our own uncertainty.

Why? During times of change and turmoil, personal or global, people need something to steady themselves. They need peace. There are many ways to find a few moments here and there that will soothe your soul. This is one of the most helpful activities we can do to heal and to maintain reasonable reactions and calm thoughts.

Grief leaves us vulnerable, and it is easy to fear changes and feel our lives will never contain any happiness or joy again. Decide now to schedule a routine that includes self-care, connecting with others by phone or online, calendar breaks when you can evaluate how your routine is working and adapt to possible future changes, and activities that you enjoy. Help family members stay positive and, if you have no family, reach out to help others get through this time.

Words are important; so is kindness. Prepare a comforting nook or favorite chair in which to journal or make calls. Treat yourself to  a cup of tea or coffee. Try to look forward to ordinary things. Establishing a comfortable routine and taking exquisite care of yourself can give you strength and healing. Turn off the television. Limit your time on social media. Sometimes silence itself is healing.

Often it is one word that can prompt thoughts that will see you through a day. Consider the word “Alter.” What does it mean to you? How do you think you can handle the changes that have altered your life? Write your thoughts in your journal.

What other things can bring moments of peace? Here is a quick list to help you get started.

  • Look at pictures of beautiful scenes such as the photo at the top of this post.
  • Share happy memories with friends in your support system.
  • Think of others and pray for them.
  • Read a book or watch a comedy movie.
  • Take a nap.
  • Check to be sure you have everything you need. (Food, water, medications, pet food, other essentials)

Upcoming, look for new journal prompts and more ideas in this series.