Reiki for Self-Care

What do you do to take care of yourself? You may exercise, eat right, meditate or a variety of other activities which offers relaxation and the opportunity to ‘unwind’.  May I suggest that you consider adding Reiki to your daily practice? Reiki, defined as...

Sweet Indiana

Silly Indy. Rolled up his favorite blankie to lie down, but he kept stumbling and falling down. Never fear, he’s a clever boy, he eventually braced himself against a chair and just slid down. He’s managing very well. Indy is my boxer buddy. He turned five...

A Good Deed

I’ve posted about this before, but every time I think about it I become very excited, so I thought I’d share with you. Our mother’s taught us that we should be nice to others because it’s the right thing to do; I tried to teach my kids the very...


Optimistic. Happy. Excited. Those are some of the words I would use if asked how I feel about life these days. I realize that there are big changes going on everywhere. Many people are losing their jobs and we are told many times a day that times are tough. We are in...

Wisconsin Ovarian Cancer Alliance

I know we don’t like to admit it, but September is right around the corner and coming very fast! Why do I bring this up? Because September is the month that Wisconsin Ovarian Cancer Alliance or WOCA has most of their events. September is in fact Wisconsin...