What do You Prefer?

I believe that we live the life that we ask for. We ask with our thoughts, so be careful what you think. It seems to me that more and more people are becoming aware, or being reawakened to what I believe is an absolute fact, the universe operates on the law of...

A Good Deed

I’ve posted about this before, but every time I think about it I become very excited, so I thought I’d share with you. Our mother’s taught us that we should be nice to others because it’s the right thing to do; I tried to teach my kids the very...

Apple Mystery

I don’t cook or bake very often anymore, my husband John likes to do it and he’s really very good at it as well. Hooray for me! Today I decided that I should do a bit of baking. It’s a lovely autumn day, the rain has finally stopped, the dog has been...