
Reiki – this beautiful and very gentle energy work is all about bringing you into balance which restores relaxation, stress reduction and promotes healing. The energy of Reiki flows through the practitioner to you on whatever level serves your best and highest good. This brings you into balance, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

This energy work is completely non-invasive. You simply lie fully clothed on a massage table as the practitioner shares this gentle energy. Generally, they lightly place their hands on various parts of your body for an hour. If you prefer not to be touched, that is absolutely fine. The energy flows either way. In fact, some prefer to sit in a chair rather than lying on a table. Again, it’s really about what feels best for you.

If you prefer to receive this healing energy from a distance, or you live far away, you can still receive the gently healing of Reiki. We make the appointment and at the agreed upon time, you relax while I send Reiki to you. Absolutely as effective as in person.

As Reiki releases what is not needed and brings one into balance, it can be a time of great emotional release. Never fear, I keep the highest quality tissues on hand. Always. It’s very common for clients to slip into a restorative and healing nap.

Reiki can be incredibly beneficial for those moving through grief into healing. Receiving a Reiki treatment helps to alleviate stress and along with it, allows those emotions that we so often stuff down, to also be felt and released.

Reiki can safely be received as a complementary treatment along with conventional therapies.

Reiki is always safe. For you, your loved ones here as well as those on The Other Side.

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Contact Sandy to schedule your healing appointment.

Testimonials for Reiki.

I am so satisfied with my experiences with Serenity. Serenity is what I was able to find after my Reiki sessions. I was a bit cynical, but am a believer now. I highly recommend these services to everyone.
~ S.

I have been blessed with bringing Reiki into my life this year. I believe that everything happens for a reason and people come into your life for a reason. I have now completed Reiki 2 with serenity. This has brought peace and clarity to my life as never before. My intention is to continue to embrace this gift to better my life and also to share this awesome gift with others. I receive such joy by paying forward positive energy.
~ J.

‘Some people see scars, and it is wounding they remember. To me they are proof of the fact that there is healing.
~ Linda Hogan