
I want to warmly invite you to an inspiring event – the upcoming free, online grief summit, From Mourning to Light. This is a precious chance to connect with your grief, find comfort, and discover hope.

Gather with me and 20 wise, caring grief experts for a transformative 11-day journey of healing. Beginning January 17th, you’ll receive two illuminating interviews daily, filled with compassionate wisdom and practical tools. The recordings stay available so you can listen on your own time, as often as you need.

In this heartfelt summit, grief experts generously share their experiences, insights, and gentle guidance on walking the path of grief. Their voices soothe the soul and uplift the spirit.

If your heart longs for solace and understanding, please join us. And do share this with others carrying grief’s burden – let’s walk this road together.

This event begins January 17, 2024 so don’t wait. Register now using the link below.

This is your opportunity for real and deep grief healing.

I so look forward to taking this healing journey with you.